Glenwood Carline and Parking Policies

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedure

For both dropping-off and picking-up, all cars are to be driven in a single file to the marked drop-off lane  in front of the flagpole on Taylor Road South:





Please remain in your car and keep moving forward. For safety reasons, students may only exit cars past the flagpole in the area indicated by a yellow line. Please make sure your child is prepared to exit the car when you reach the drop off area. Children may not be dropped off in the parking lot.


Faculty members and school safeties will assist your children out of the car. Please do not get out of your car when dropping off your child. This is a safety hazard and will hold up the line for other parents and children.  Once your children are safely on the school walkways, proceed slowly and carefully into the flow of traffic.



Please remain in your car and keep moving forward. For safety reasons and better traffic management students may only enter cars past the flagpole in the area indicated by a yellow line.   Children may not be picked up in the parking lot.


All students dismiss out of the front of the building. Kindergarten, first and second grade teachers will bring their non-bus students outside and wait with them for dismissal. They will visual confirmation of each person picking up a child. In addition, there will be other staff members on a daily basis to assist children and supervise dismissal. Please make sure your child knows exactly who will be picking him or her up, and in which car.  Please do not get out of your car when picking up your child. Once your children are in your car, you may proceed slowly and carefully into the flow of traffic.


You may not park across the street from the school during drop-off or pick-up times. Please adhere to all car line rules and follow the directions of staff members supervising the car line.  The safety of our children is first and foremost!


Thank you for making Glenwood a safe school.



Parking in the Glenwood Lot: Glenwood has a small parking lot for teachers, staff, and visitors with specific business in the building only.  Parking in the lot is NOT allowed unless you have official business in the school (i.e. volunteer shift, appointment with teacher or staff, etc.).  Parents may not drop off or pick up students in the parking lot, unless previously arranged with the principal (e.g., student with a broken leg, etc.).  After 2:30pm, a driver must have legitimate business in the building other than picking up students in order to use the parking lot.


Street Parking: Parking on the street in front of the school is allowed between 9am and 2:30pm. At 2:30pm, all parked cars in front of the school must be cleared for the start of the Car Line. You may park on neighboring streets around school as long as street signs allow it. Parking on the street across the street from the car line is NOT allowed during drop off and pickup times because it impedes the flow of car line traffic. 


Warning: If cars are blocking the Car Line after 2:30pm or if cars are improperly parked in the parking lot at any time, the police will be called and those cars will be ticketed and/or towed. 


Parking rules are for the safety of our families and for the efficiency of student drop-off & pick-up. 

Thank you for your cooperation!


Thank you for making Glenwood a safe school.